Who We Are
Since 1968, the Michigan Turn Marshals (MTM) have been incorporated in the State of Michigan as a not-for-profit association of individuals interested in and dedicated to the sport of automobile road racing.
MTM provides incentive and interest in the fine skills of Turn Marshaling by:
promoting training and instruction of the highest caliber in the areas of flagging, communications, and safety standards to MTM members and other individuals interested in the Flagging and Communications (F&C) specialty of racing
being an informational source for MTM members of racing activities in the State of Michigan
coordinating with sanctioning bodies of racing for their event schedules and MTM membership participation at their events
actively promoting the Flagging and Communications specialty of racing and recruiting new persons to that activity
being a source of information and support for MTM members who wish to expand their Flagging and Communication activities to racing events in other states and countries
providing leadership to support the purposes of MTM
Membership in MTM is open to any individuals concerned with promoting high standards and safety in the Flagging and Communications activities at racing events.
There are currently over 400 “Lifetime” members, from all walks of life, from 18 to 80 years of age! Southern Lower Michigan is home to most of the members, however MTM also has members representing 20 other States, 4 Canadian Provinces and the U.K.
Requirements for membership include the ability to perform sound F&C techniques at a minimum of 4 racing events and by receiving a recommendation from a current MTM general member. (Membership or licensing in other race organizations, such as the SCCA, is not required.) Payment of a one time fee secures a lifetime membership!
MTM business is conducted by a volunteer Board of Directors which is composed of an elected Executive Committee (President, VP, Secretary, and Treasurer) and by F&C Chiefs from local race sanctioning organizations.
Additionally, there are a number of other assigned positions to handle certain required duties for MTM.
Currently, these include:
Newsletter Editor & Publisher
Webmaster & Database Administrator
Recruitment Chairperson
Training Coordinator
Trash & Trinket Huckster
Social Coordinator
In 1999, the MichiganTurnMarshals.org Internet website was created and is actively being used as a tool to facilitate communications between its members, out-of-state corner workers, race sanctioning groups and race venues, and many other interested people worldwide.
One unique feature of the website is the ability for volunteer corner workers to view information about, and then register for Michigan race events.
Members can view who is planning to attend races and can use this information to coordinate car-pooling, share hotel rooms, etc.
The F&C Chiefs use the pre-race worker registration to plan assignments and worker loads.
Race groups and sponsors can use the MTM website to promote their races to trained corner workers and other volunteers.
We are particularly proud of the fact that our website is advertising free, and as such we are very dependent upon donations to pay for annual costs such as Internet web hosting fees. Please help to keep our website online and screens clutter-free by making a small donation to MTM.

Join Us
So if you already are an experienced F&C Corner Worker or just starting out, whether you live in Michigan or not, MTM welcomes you to join our fun-loving, hard-working, adrenaline-rush junkies at the next race or simply to chat on the Internet.
Contact one of the MTM Representatives for more information or register online and show up at the track and look for the men and women in their “Worker Whites”. You will discover that F&C and MTM are indeed "Your Ticket to the Best Seat in the House!" ™